County Court Judgement (CCJ)

Sam Chester

What is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is a formal legal process initiated when an individual or business becomes unable to repay their debts. It involves a court-administered procedure to distribute the debtor’s assets among creditors, allowing them to recover as much of the owed money as possible.

How You Become Bankrupt

Bankruptcy can be initiated through three main avenues: voluntary declaration by the individual themselves, a creditor’s bankruptcy order if the debtor owes £5,000 or more, or a consequence of violating the terms of an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) – a formal agreement to repay debts over a specified time.

Understanding Bankruptcy

Once declared bankrupt, a court takes control of the individual’s assets to repay creditors. Bankruptcy restrictions may be imposed for 12 months to 15 years, depending on the severity of the case.

Navigating the world of debts and legal claims can be tricky, but don’t fret! If you find yourself facing a court claim for outstanding debts, you might end up with a county court judgment (CCJ) or high court judgment.

The key is to stay calm and take it step by step. Don’t ignore that court claim email or letter; respond within the given timeframe to avoid any complications.


A CCJ is a formal declaration by the court stating that you owe the money in question. When the judgment arrives, it will outline the amount owed, payment options (one-time or instalments), due date, and the payee. Here’s the important part: unless you pay the CCJ within a month, it stays on your credit report for a solid 6 years.


If you genuinely owe the money, it’s time to address it head-on. Work on repaying the debt, but if finances are tight, don’t panic. You can discuss payment terms with the court, seeking more manageable arrangements.


Now, the good news is that having a CCJ doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the road for your mortgage dreams. You can still apply for a mortgage but be prepared for potentially higher costs. Lenders understand that life happens and look at each situation individually. Settling the CCJ before applying will put you in a better position.


Even if one applicant has a CCJ and the other has a clean record, you can still apply for a mortgage together. However, being linked to someone with a CCJ might slightly affect your credit score, so be aware of that.


When lenders evaluate your application, they focus on the age of the CCJ, whether it’s been settled, the amount owed, and any other credit-related blips. If you have any of those then there is a higher chance of either being rejected or limited to a higher monthly payment.


If you’ve managed to repay the CCJ, you can request a certificate of satisfaction, which shows lenders you’ve taken responsibility for your debts.

If you would like some guidance on solving credit issues, download our free guide and check you credit report too.


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The content within this article is as accurate as the date it was written. To ensure the most up to date information, you should consult with one of the experts that we work with as every lender and their polices are different and can be changed or amended without notice.

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Some Buy to Let mortgages are not regulated by the FCA. You should carefully consider securing other debts against your home. If you do not keep up your mortgage repayments, your home may be repossessed. Equity released from your home will also be secured against it.

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Now, let's lighten the mood with a mortgage-related joke:

Why did the mortgage broker bring a ladder to work?

Because they wanted to reach new heights in finding the best deals! 😄🏠


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